Don't wait until your health takes a turn for the worse. Don't wait for the pain to show up again, the muscle to spasm again, your skin to break out again, the headaches to grip you again, the fatigue to steal your energy again, your digestion to get irritable again, your pants size to increase again, your mood to turn sour again, or for another grim diagnosis to be made again. Every time your symptoms return, it is a sign that your body has not resolved its toxic issues, and your body is trying desperately to let you know. Symptoms are not the problem; they are the message! Our culture is a reactive one - only taking action when things get bad, and for some people, it has to get deadly serious before they make a change.
Typically, most people try to make their symptoms go away and ignore the root cause. Yet, every time these symptoms are suppressed through medication, substances, supplements, "pushing through" or flat-out ignoring them, your body cries. The issues are buried deeper in the body, and the body has to make all sorts of compensations to house this toxic load. Inflammation becomes excessive, organs begin to fatigue, bones become brittle, skin expresses, pain worsens and travels to new places, posture and biomechanics are compromised, dehydration ravages the body, and the mood and mind become irritable, depressed, and even fearful of life. If you are over the age of 40, the body has even more struggle to house its dysfunctions and this is when serious health problems make themselves known. It is time to take a good look at your habits, lifestyle, and beliefs if you want to live the next half of your life as fit, limber, and happy as you possibly can.
Health is created through proactive measures expressed daily through your habits and lifestyle. Every day, with every choice you make, you are either increasing your vitality or depleting it. Everything that goes in your mouth represents a choice to either hydrate or dehydrate your body, cleanse your body or toxify it. Every way you move your body represents a choice to either improve your physical capacity or decrease it. Every breath you take represents a choice to fully inhale life energy or cheat yourself of it. Every night, the way you sleep represents a choice to recover or stress your body more. Every way you handle stress represents a choice to either face it and release it, or bury it and increase it. Everything you believe about yourself and life represents a choice to affirm your self-worth or to affirm your lack thereof. Choose to take your health seriously, otherwise, pain will be chosen for you. Everything is a choice, and that, dear one, is your superpower! Use your superpower to become and stay vibrant!
Vibrant well-being is created upon the foundations of health which many people underestimate. These factors include movement, nutrition, hydration, sleep, breathing, beliefs/thoughts, and connection to Life energy. Most doctors today are only addressing illness, and they do not spend enough time teaching people about health. As a health coach, I can educate you on what it takes to avoid serious illness and to improve your overall fitness.
Areas of instruction can include:
- nutritional education
- detoxification
- strength training
- corrective exercise
- therapeutic movement & Yoga
- mobility and flexibility
- weight loss
- breathing practices
- meditation practices
- lifestyle factors
- stress relief
- trauma recovery support
To really fine tune your health, individualized attention is needed. In the same way that you don’t participate in a doctor’s appointment with 10 other people, one-on-one sessions offer complete privacy and are focused only on you. It is only through private sessions that we can create a relationship full of trust and safety which would then allow us to generate lasting positive changes for your specific body—it is the ultimate personalized experience to have your very own health coach! Together we will define your goals, create a program based on your physiology and skill set, and practice regularly. Instruction is given with patience and compassion.
In-person private sessions are offered in Phoenix. Virtual private sessions are available for those who live outside Phoenix or for those in Phoenix who prefer limited contact.
Contact me to book
*The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. Information given during this program is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Read full disclaimer