Your heart is calling for your attention! This class will help you reclaim your natural sense of ease and well-being that has never actually left you - it has only be obscured by the external demands of your life which have turned your attention away from your heart. Together we will uncover the beautiful treasure of peace within that awaits you. Perfect for that much needed "me time." This is a gentle class and no experience is required. Enjoy!
This is a 55 minute Yoga practice for Level 1 practitioners or anyone needing a less rigorous class today. You will be practicing the skill of being strong and calm at the same time. Your feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!
A 16 minute guided meditation to access steadiness and ease of well-being. Easy to follow. Very rejuvenating and relaxing. Great way to refresh yourself. Set yourself up in a comfortable seated posture in a space where you won't be disturbed for 16 minutes. Silence your cell phone and set "do not disturb" on your devices. The video purposefully has no images because you will be listening with eyes closed.
This is a longer, stronger session which will help you to practice regulating your own use of power. Firm up your legs, buttocks, and core while firming up your resolve! Learning how to express your strength at the right intensity and how to stay on task without getting distracted or discouraged are two essential skills to a successful life.
Here is a very easy to follow tutorial on how to correct your posture. Learn what your posture reveals about your beliefs and how you communicate to the world. Share with your family and your children! Try any of these tips and you'll feel changes immediately. Be the change!
Show yourself that you matter by taking care of yourself. There is value in taking time to experience bodily calm, quieting the mind, and feeling yourself in presence. You will be a better person to the world when you take right action toward yourself. Enjoy this 90 minutes restorative class! You don't need any experience. It includes only positions that unload the body and are completely relaxing. You will need couch cushions, big towels, and a belt. It would be great if you could find some relaxing music to play.
Health Coach Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona 85048, United States
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