You already know stress is linked to poor health, both physical and mental/emotional health. Often times, we don’t even realize how much stress our body is holding until a dentist tells us our teeth have been ground down from excessive clenching, or a massage therapist hits a spot that makes us bounce off the table, or the doctor tells us our cholesterol is too high, or we perform a routine exercise and get injured, or bend over to pick up something and our back tweaks out, or we fall asleep on the couch watching a movie because we’re that profoundly tired deep inside, or we snap at our loved ones because we have no energy left for patience. Humans have an incredible capacity to endure stress, but we’re vulnerable, nonetheless. If we don’t release the stress, we will suffer. To release the stress, we must go directly to the nervous system where it is held. A glass of wine, a day at the spa, watching the game, or zoning out in front of a screen may seem like ways to release stress, and they might work on the surface, but the reality is that stress is stored deep in the body. The body needs focused attention on the nervous system to rid itself of that tension.
I have the training to help you select which stress-relieving activities would be appropriate and effective for you. I have the experience to facilitate that release with compassion, safety, and respect. Activities could include deep guided relaxation, specific breathing exercises, guided meditation, restorative Yoga, trauma releasing exercises, specific movements, postural correction, and practical day-to-day tips tailored to your circumstance. For those of you with past trauma, childhood trauma, or unresolved stress or grief, I offer specific guidance to assist on your road to recovery. Personalized stress release video packages are also available here.
Think about this: the ultimate expression of self-dignity is how you treat yourself. When you purposefully make time to release stress, you are expressing how much you value yourself.
The diaphragm is the major muscle of breathing. Correct breathing not only improves the function of many major organs of the body, it also improves your lymphatic circulation, your stress responses, and your ability to feel at ease. Breathing correctly is so important to your overall health. The body’s anatomy is all the proof you need. Check this out: the diaphragm is located in the rib cage and is innervated by nerves coming out of the middle spine called the Thoracic Spine (“T-Spine”). This part of our spine is loaded with additional important jobs. Spinal vertebrae T5-T10 hold nerves that innervate the diaphragm, gall bladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, appendix, the adrenal glands, and kidneys. The kidneys are the major organ of detoxification! The adrenals are involved in many really important jobs such as sugar metabolism, blood pressure, neurotransmitters, steroids, mineral utilization, fluid and electrolyte balance, stress hormones, and more! Also, spinal vertebrae T1-L2 hold neurons that operate the “flight/fight/freeze/faint” stress response system of the body. Further, the diaphragm shares tendons and ligaments of the psoas muscles, which is the major muscle connecting upper body to lower body across the pelvis. It is triggered to contract when we are stressed. This tightening pulls on the lower back causing chronic pain. On top of all that, this area of the spine holds our “Solar Plexus” which is the chakra of personal power. The diaphragm is a pump, whose pendulating action effects all of these organs and muscles and their related jobs, the stress responses of the body, and your degree of confidence and feeling of ease. Learning how to breath correctly and practicing breathing techniques specific to particular outcomes is one of the most important things you can do to heal and to create a life of joy, ease, and health. Together, you and I can identify which breathing practices would work best for you and implement these in your life.
Think about this: the ultimate expression of your self-dignity is how you treat yourself - when you take full breaths, you send a message to the world that you have patience, acceptance, love to receive, love to give, and the stamina to successfully manage what life brings you.
What goes on in your mind is actually something you can control. If you don't control the narrative, your beliefs will. Your beliefs shape your thoughts. Since every choice and every action you make originate from a thought, your overall happiness and satisfaction with life will be determined by those beliefs and thoughts. If, for example, you believe that you can never lose weight, then you won't lose weight. That's because your subconscious mind is convinced that what you believe is true. Only when you have an experience of a different outcome can those deeply ingrained beliefs change. You can read all about it, watch videos about it, and preach about it, but until you have first-hand experience of a new truth, your beliefs will manifest exactly what you believe! To change your beliefs, you must try something different. That takes faith and the willingness to be open to the possibility of betterment. Or, it will have to take serious pain, grief, loss, or devastation to get you to change. Which way would you prefer? Body and mind are inseparable. If you want to better your health, you must start with your mind. I can help you identify the beliefs that are holding you back, and help establish a new vantage point from which you can reach your goals.
Think about this: the ultimate expression of self-dignity is how you treat yourself. This includes what you think about and how attached to your beliefs you are. When you open your mind to new possibilities (i.e., your goal) you activate your power of manifestation.
You are what you eat....and what you don't eliminate! Individuals may have different diets, but one thing that is certain for all humans is that we must eat a diet full of living, nutrient dense foods to experience vibrant health. Be honest and check your diet. What foods are you eating that contain chemical flavoring, dyes, stabilizers, texturizers, preservatives, processed grains, and sweeteners? Check your diet for foods that are cleansing vs. foods that are inflammatory. Human bodies are not meant to be bombarded with chemicals. We must eat simple, natural foods that provide hydration, fiber, and nutrients. It is also critical to our health that we are properly hydrated, drinking the right kind of water and eating water dense and electrolyte rich foods. What we eat is intimately connected to our upbringing, our culture, our need to belong, our addictions, and our budget. Yet, even with all those constraints, together we can still create a personalized diet that will elevate your health and improve your mood and performance.
Think about this: the ultimate expression of your self-dignity is how you treat yourself - if you feed yourself junk, what message of self-worth are you sending to the world?
We are meant to move and if we don't we're going to become unwell. Exercise increases circulation of the lymph which can not be pumped on it's own the way the blood is pumped by the heart. Lymph is the "other" major fluid in our body that carries away all the toxic chemicals, toxic foods, metabolic waste, cellular waste, unfriendly bacteria, pathogens and pollutants we encounter every day. The body expels these toxins primarily through the kidneys (urine) and skin (sweating). If the body doesn't move pump this lymph and eliminate it, the lymph becomes stagnant and pools and this causes body pain, skin problems, digestive problems, and way more. You have every reason to exercise! There are so many different types of exercise, from gentle to extreme, but we must be very smart about selecting the right exercise appropriate to your life phase so we do not put the body further into distress. Together, we can design a personalized exercise program for you that moves you toward vibrant health.
Think about this: Think about this: the ultimate expression of your self-dignity is how you treat yourself - how you move and carry your body sends a message to the world about your personal power.
You already know how critical to health sleep really is, and that is affirmed by how sluggish or irritable you feel after a night of poor sleep. It seems that the majority of people will choose to sleep fewer hours in order to get other things done on their never-ending to-do list. This sacrifice has detrimental effects on health and relationships, such as crippling fatigue, unnecessary outbursts of anger, staying sick longer, and believing those pessimistic thoughts that are self-destructive. Better sleep is a critical factor to beauty, performance, joyful relationships, healing, and personal development. Many factors effect the quality of sleep. Together, we will identify any obstacles you may have that prevent good sleep, and get your battery fully recharged!
Think about this: the ultimate expression of your self-dignity is how you treat yourself - if you honor your body's need for sleep, and you wake up peaceful and refreshed, you send a message of self- respect to the world.
Age 24
vitamix daily smoothie prep
healthy living is beautiful!
we can do it together!
healthy living is beautiful
healthy living beautiful hair
having fun is important
Hiking with my dog
I love my dog!
Health Coach Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona 85048, United States
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